Top Seven (7) Misdiagnosed Dis-eases in Females:
Heart Dis-ease
Ovarian Cancer
Celiac Dis-ease
Hepatitis C
Muscular Sclerosis (MS)
Women comprise over 50% of the iatrogenic (misdiagnosed) cases.
The following information is an excerpt taken from a series of popular lectures presented at
"A Wealth of Health and also Whole Life Expo"
"SUGAR was classified as a mind control drug until 1962. It is the most widely used non-food chemical in the world, added to processed item from sweets, beverages, medicine and crack cocaine. A majority of dis-eases today are attributed to sugar, including childhood chemical imbalances - ADD, cavities, and criminal behavior.
60 Reasons Why Sugar Ruins Your Health
References from Medical Journals, Books, Health Freedom Network Resources (6/94),
Magazines and Periodicals
- Sugar can cause tooth decay and dental caries.
- Sugar can lead to periodontal dis-ease.
- Sugar can contribute to diabetes.
- Sugar dehydrates the body, increases one's appetite and thirst.
- Sugar causes hyperactivity, anxiety, difficulty concentrating and crankiness in children
- Sugar can raise adrenaline and cortisol levels in children.
- Sugar produces a significant rise in triglycerides.
- Sugar contributes to obesity.
- Sugar can cause kidney damage.
- Sugar reduces high-density lipoproteins (LDL).
- Sugar upsets the minerals in the body.
- Sugar leads to chromium (Cr), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), and other trace mineral deficiencies.
- Sugar leads to cancer of the breast, uterus, ovaries, intestines, prostate and rectum.
- Sugar interferes with the absorption of calcium (Ca), iron (Fe) and magnesium (Mg).
- Sugar increases fasting levels of glucose and insulin.
- Sugar weakens the eyes and diminishes one's eyesight.
- Sugar can cause cataracts.
- Sugar raises the level of neurotransmitters -- serotonin and decreases melanin.
- Sugar lowers brain tryptophan levels.
- Sugar causes hypoglycemia.
- Sugar can cause hypothyroidism.
- Sugar can cause premature aging of one's body and faculties.
- Sugar can make our skin age by changing the structure of collagen.
- Sugar can lead to alcoholism.
- Sugar produces acidic stomach.
- High intake of Sugar increases the risk of Crohn's dis-ease and ulcerative colitis.
- Sugar can cause appendicitis.
- Sugar can cause changes frequently found in people with peptic, gastric and duodenal ulcers.
- Sugar can cause hemorrhoids.
- Sugar can cause arthritis.
- Sugar can contribute to osteoporosis.
- Sugar can cause asthma and subsequent attacks.
- Sugar can cause emphysema.
- Sugar can suppress the immune system.
- Sugar can cause yeast infections --- Candida albicans, C. immitus and other mycoses.
- Sugar can contributes to the reduction in defense against bacterial infection.
- Sugar can cause gallstones.
- Sugar can cause heart dis-ease.
- Sugar increases the systolic blood pressure.
- Sugar dilates the blood capillaries.
- Sugar can cause varicose veins.
- Sugar can cause cardiovascular dis-ease.
- Sugar can cause atherosclerosis.
- Sugar can cause multiple sclerosis.
- Sugar can elevate glucose and insulin responses in oral contraceptive users.
- Sugar causes a decrease in insulin sensitivity.
- Sugar contributes to saliva acidity.
- Sugar leads to a decreased glucose tolerance.
- Sugar can cause a decrease in pituitary growth hormone levels.
- Sugar can cause drowsiness and decreased activity in children.
- Sugar can interfere with the absorption of protein.
- Sugar can cause migraine headaches.
- Sugar causes food allergies.
- Sugar can cause toxemia during pregnancy.
- Sugar can contribute to eczema in children.
- Sugar can impair the structure of DNA and melanin.
- Sugar can impair the structure of protein.
- Sugar can promote an elevation of low-density proteins (LDL).
- Sugar can cause the formation of free radicals in the bloodstream.
- Sugar makes implantable medical devices and organ transplants less irritating.
Copyright © 2006 - 2014 * A.C.W.B., Inc. ®/"A New Body Lifestyle" All Rights Reserved
(713) 639-3571 * Web: * Email:
Body, Mind & Sugar - E.M. Abrahamson, M.D. & A.W. Pezet
African Holistic Health & Nutricide - Llaila O. Afrika
Heal Thyself - Queen Afua
How Not To Eat Pork (or life without the PIG) - Shahrazad Ali
Lick The Sugar Habit - Nancy Appleton, Ph.D.
Sugar Blues - William Dufty
Forever Young & ReBirth of the Gods - Dr. Paul Goss
Consumer Beware, The Great Nutrition Robbery, The Natural Foods Cookbook & Sugar Trap - Beatrice Trum Hunter
Let Food Be Thy Medicine - Alex Jack
Empty Harvest - Dr. Benard Jensen & Mark Anderson
The Poisons In Your Food - William Longgood
How To Eat To Live, Books I & II - Elijah Muhammad
Diet, Crime and Delinquency - Alexander Schauss
Nutrition For Vegetarians - Agatha Moody Thrash, M.D. & Calvin L. Thrash, Jr., M.D.
A Healthy Foods & Spiritual Nutrition Handbook, Sweet Fetish - Keith T. Wright
Sweet and Dangerous - John Yudkin, M.D.
For more information contact: