The Afrikan Center Of Well Being, Inc. (A.C.W.B., Inc.)
is Celebrating our 30th Anniversary!
For Discounted Products & Services!!!
Call our 24 HR voicemail (No Texts) 713.639.3571 or
ACWB Inc |
The Afrikan Center of Well Being, Inc. (A.C.W.B., Inc.) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit entity committed to the continuing conscious education, healing and nurturing of the whole self through informative presentations regarding a natural approach to healthcare and lifestyle conducted by certified practitioners of the healing arts and sciences for all of humanity.
A.C.W.B., Inc. is a clearinghouse of information regarding holistic and natural healthcare with certified practitioners in the healing modalities while offering educational materials, seminars for individual and group consultations in Iridology, Nutrition, Herbology, Rayid Analysis, Reflexology, Family Health, Spring Water, Uncensored Vaccination Education, T'ai Chi.
Since 1994, A.C.W.B., Inc. is a health network dedicated to the research and dissemination of NATURAL "WHOLISTIC WHEALTH SM" care information for the spiritual, mental, physical and financial well being of humankind. Holistic health is concerned with the proper daily maintenance of the SPIRIT, MIND and BODY.
In the name of the Ancestors, the Creator, the Universe, Mother and Father God..."Ankh Uja Seneb", "May you have Life, Health and Prosperity!" "Health-Care Is Self Care SM", "To Heal Is To Make Happy ©","Perfect Health Is Your Birthright – CLAIM IT ! SM"
"We have way of the stars, by way of the Nile evermore We have come..speaking the tongue of the pharoahes, descending from such We have love of the ancestor, the struggle continues Loving heart, strong sun, firm fist We are those." Professor X of X-CLAN (Tribal Jam)
The Black Man and Woman are the founders of morality, medicine, music, mathematics,
philosophy, art, religion, history, health, science and music before him and her there were none and afterwards there will be no more.
source: Ice Cube's Death Certificate: The Birth
The organizational goal consist of providing the community with classes, lectures, educational materials, seminars, workshops, healing retreats and conferences. A.C.W.B., Inc. offers educational materials, workshops and retreats for individual, group and business consultations. A.C.W.B.'s events feature local, national and international experts on Live Food Preparation, Herbology, Iridology, Nutrition, Natural Living, Rayid Analysis, T'ai Chi, Capoeira, Acupressure/Acupuncture, Kemetic Yoga, Human Potential Engineering, Neural Linguistic Programming (NLP), Pranic Healing, Feng Shui, Aromatherapy, Ear Candling, Dr. Michael Vincent Healing Program, Affector Field Technique (AFT), Auricular Therapy, Ear Beading, Fast-Aid, Cortices, Body Chemistry, Enoch, Colon Hygiene, Family Health, Homeopathy, Physical/Massage Therapy, Reiki, The 4th Way - Study of Man – Anthropology 101, SILVA Ultramind Training and Uncensored Vaccination Education, Outdoor Learning Centers, Permaculture Design Consultations, and the "Art-4-HEALTH SM" Experience Project for children of all ages.
Projects coordinated by A.C.W.B., Inc. are designed to make the community knowledgeable of their health condition(s) and choices of care. This subject is the indisputable foundation for success in life, whether personally or professionally.
A holistic health conscious individual is able to maintain a high level of wellness, and isn't likely to exhibit acts of self-hatred---drug or alcohol abuse, suicide, nutricide, menticide, homicide or domestic violence.
Communities-at-large consist of spiritual, mental and physical beings - WHOLE BEINGS who recognize the inner life of our mental world, enjoy true humanity and true LOVE of self, family, community and for humankind.
Ways To Support A.C.W.B., Inc. |
Your Giving Brings Many Blessings!
The Afrikan Center of Well Being, Inc. (A.C.W.B., Inc.) has provided
humanitarian relief, products and services for 29 years and counting!
Look at the how A.C.W.B., Inc. at our sponsors and programs.
Your HEARFELT tax-deductible contributions are appreciated we're GRATEFUL!!
Please choose the option below to donate.
Your Tax Deductible Contribution Options to
The Afrikan Center Of Well Being, Inc. (A.C.W.B., Inc.):
Option 1 - Check/Cashier's Check/Money Order:
A) Mail to: A.C.W.B., Inc.
B) A.C.W.B., Inc. Attn: RMJ MSF or
C) A.C.W.B., Inc. Attn: ART-4-HEALTH
8544 W. BELLFORT Ave. #208 HOUSTON, TX 77071-2208
Option 2 - via PayPal Add A.C.W.B., Inc.
Option 3 - Zelle (ACWB, Inc.), Venmo, Ca$hApp ($ACWBINC)
Option 4 - Appreciating Assets/Collectibles:
NFTs, Art, Land, Trusts, Equities, Commodities, etc.
Option 5 - Crypto
Contact: or
Leave a voicemail message/NO TEXTS at 713-639-3571.
For PayPal donations, click the button below.
For #Giving All Year Long:
Your kind, heartfelt and generous tax deductible donations are appreciated, and will be acknowledged!
We accept donations via:
Cash, Check, Money Order/Cashiers Check
Zelle (A.C.W.B., Inc.), Ca$hApp ($ACWBINC), PayPal, Venmo, Crypto,
Tangible & Intangible Assets:
Contact: or 713-639-3571
Leave a voicemail message/NO TEXTS.
For PayPal donations, click the button below.
Check, Cashiers Check & Money Orders make out to A.C.W.B., Inc.
Address: 8544 W. Bellfort Ave #208 Houston, TX 77071-2208.
Water Donation For Relief Efforts |
Spring Water Donation Efforts
Your Heartfelt Tax Deductible Contribution will make a difference!
100% of your donation goes to sending ACWB, Inc. Spring Water.
The Afrikan Center Of Well Being, (A.C.W.B.) Inc. is donating its Spring Bottle Water for Humanitarian Relief Efforts.
Your kind, heartfelt and generous tax deductible donations
are appreciated, and will be acknowledged!
We accept Zelle (ACWB, Inc.), Venmo, Ca$hApp ($ACWBINC), etc.
Contact: or
Leave a Voicemail message/NO TEXTS at 713-639-3571.
For PayPal donations, click the button below.
Donations, Gifts made by Check/Money Order are accepted.
Please make payable to A.C.W.B., Inc.
Address: 8544 W. Bellfort Ave #208 Houston, TX 77071-2208.
Sample of A.C.W.B., Inc. Spring Water Recipients:
- National Black United Front (NBUF) during Hurricane Harvey
- Black United Fund of Texas (BUFT)
- Districts of TX State Representatives: Johnson, Thierry & Reynolds
- Haitian Relief Fund during Hurricane Matthew and Earthquake
- Flint, MI Water Crisis Residents - 2019
- TX Winter Storm - February 2021
- TX Yoga Conference Corporate Sponsor
- Urban Harvest
- Latin Community Relief Efforts
- Asian Community Organizations
- City of Houston City Council Districts: B, D & K
- Boys & Girls Club
- Community Arts Organizations
- Community Garden Clubs
ACWB Inc Spring Water |
Iridology |
60 Minute $300 Iridology, Rayid & Nutritional Consultation (In-Person Only)
until March 31, 2025!!!
(Regular price PRICELESS)
- The Science of Iridology involves examining the IRIS of the EYE providing information about a patient's systemic and overall health.
- An economical method to detect and address health issues at an early stage: pain, inflammation, toxicity.
- The technique of iridology is based on the belief that each organ in the human body has a corresponding region in the iris.
CALL 713-639-3571 (VOICE), or EMAIL:, or VISIT and
SCHEDULE your Iridology Consultation!
*The statements made have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) nor is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. For medical conditions consult your doctor/physician.
Swiss JUST Essential Oils Catalog |
Possibility Wellness Upcoming Events |
Visit our Meetup page for the latest information on upcoming special events & classes
Houston Healing Pod
Distant Group Healing Sessions
This Service is Great For...
- People who would like to align & maintain their energy system
- Special cases that require multiple sessions
- Healers who are constantly helping others and feel drained (This is a great way to constantly recharge and keep your energy up!)
- Anyone who is working on preventing, correcting, or maintaining good health
- Removing obstacles from your projects and proper manifestation of your dreams
- A great gift for family and friends!
How Our Healing Pod Works
- Twice a week you will get a Distant Healing Session with 3 experienced Pranic Healers. (That means 8 sessions a month!)
- All healing sessions are performed by Pranic Healers
- The Group Distant Healing Sessions are performed without interaction during the session.
- For a more effective healing process and to monitor your progress. Your feedback is required (minimum once a week). If the healing sessions are for a family member or a friend, you must be able to provide feedback on a regular basis.
How to Register
1. Choose your option to register for a month (see below for list of options)
2. Download & out the form below to email your healing request to
3. We will perform the Group Distant Healing Session 2 times a week for a month
4. Give us feedback of your progress at least once a week via email to
5. Repeat the process every month!
Get 1 FREE healing session for every paid referral!
Mention referred by A.C.W.B., Inc.
Alleving PAIN
Weight Loss
Ankh, Uja, Seneb |
Vagus Nerve |
Longer Exhalations Are an Easy Way
to Hack Your Vagus Nerve
Respiratory vagus nerve stimulation (rVNS) counteracts fight-or-flight stress. Essential Oils provide relief from stress. Lavender is one for anxiety, depression or stress. Click on SwissJUST
Benefits of SwissJUST Lavender |
Upcoming SwissJust USA Spa
Contact A.C.W.B., Inc. for details!
Ways To Support A.C.W.B., Inc. |
Support the Afrikan Center Of Well Being, Inc. (A.C.W.B., Inc.) in the following ways:
Select PayPal Button below to donate (Note: A Paypal Account isn't required. If you have one, add us to Family/Friends feature)
Select Fundraiser/Donate button on A.C.W.B., Inc.'s Facebook page: @ACWBINC
Call A.C.W.B., Inc. at 713-639-3571
"All healthcare is self-care! Perfect health is your birthright!" ©
Follow A.C.W.B., Inc. on: |
A.C.W.B., Inc. Facebook Page |
A.C.W.B., Inc. Twitter Page |
A.C.W.B., Inc. IG Page |
A.C.W.B., Inc. Pinterest Page |
Donate to A.C.W.B., Inc. |
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