A.C.W.B., Inc. News "Your clearinghouse for dissemination of holistic and natural healthcare needs. Perfect health is your birthright!"
A.C.W.B., Inc. wants to become "The Central Repository of Information in Houston and eventually throughout Texas!" Instead of hearing about events after it took place from mainstream media---television or radio to even reading about it in the local papers a week or more later, the staff of A.C.W.B., Inc. goal is to end this trend through advance notification, interviews prior and live streaming if permissible to get the message out and will collaborate or partner for our audience. The information submitted regarding upcoming speakers, workshops, events, research articles of all formats, print, video whereby the staff will review it and published on our site given proper approval of sponsors/promoters, authors to insure no copyright infringement, trademark protection. Note, A.C.W.B., Inc. reserves the right to remove or not publish or pull down information, however we do believe in the First Amendment and knowledge that will help humanity health, wealth, financial, historical, technology, artisitic forms and so forth. If your guest is in town or your event is local we'll interview your speaker, presenter and publish or post the video or audio provided technology compatible.
Send your information to mail@acwbinc.org or call 713.639.3571.
The Untold Story of Feminine Sanitary Products:
A lucrative industry that's dependent upon keeping women sick!!!
If the stuff you eat isn't plant based, then it may contain digusting ingredients:
Date: January 21, 2017
Soursop aka Graviola or Sasalapa |
The Hidden Benefits of Copper supplementation Part I:
An excellent video posted on YouTube Video a Dr. Sebi interview from six years ago by The Underground Railroad.
- "If Nature didn't make it don't take it!" Dr. Sebi
"Natural foods dries up whereas un-natural items rots!" Dr. Sebi
"Non-carbonaeous food creates Mucus in the body. Mucus buildup is the cause of dis-ease!" Dr. Sebi
Brother Z-I-N |
Many Blessings Ancestor Brother Z-I-N:
The Afrikan Center Of Well Being, Inc. appreciated our relationship during your time on Mother Earth. Asante Sana!
84% of Vegetarians revert to Meat Eating
This is unfortunate
Chicago's Jackie Robinson West tops Las Vegas for U.S. title:
Best Wishes in your victory tomorrow over South Korea!
The Hidden & Danger Truth of Sugar, Sweeteners and Artificial sweeteners
Candida Albicans microorganism, a fungus also referred to as a yeast which the food conglomerates profited. This yeast will take over your "Taste buds" and have you on the Sugar Treadmill!
A.C.W.B., Inc. Recommended Reading List:
Sugar Trap - Beatrice Trum Hunter
Sugar Blues - William Duffy
The Golden Treasure of Natural Health - John Tobe
Diet, Crime and Delinquency - Alexander Schauss
Public Heath Report No. 72 - U.S.D.A
Note: A.C.W.B., Inc. does not endorse or receive any compensation from KeyBiotics their presentation is indeed informative.
Vegetarian Bodybuilding
Avocados although hig in caloric fat has 13 grams of fiber plus compounds which stimulate hormone production of testosterone (source: Mens Fitness magazine June 2014).
More tips in the classic Ironman magazine 1990 edition.
Ban cigarette filters to curb hazardous tobacco waste, say researchers
While Americans comprise only 5 percent of the world population, we consume an incredible 50 percent of Big Pharma’s drugs, as explained in Jeff Hays’ documentary film, Doctored. Make no mistake. These drugs are meant to keep us imprisoned in poor health, not heal us. It’s time to kick the drug habit America. Tell the drug pushers – Merck, Pfizer, Novartis, Roche, GlaxoSmith Kline, Abbott, Astra-Zeneca, Amgen, Eli Lilly, Bristol-Myers Squibb, and Sanofi (along with the FDA and CDC) that you are going cold turkey, and learn what true health really means.
Sadly, Americans are more familiar with names like Abilify, Nexium, Humira, Plavix, Crestor, Advair Diskus, Enbrel, and Cymbalta, the top selling drugs of Big Pharma, than names like Aloe barbadensis, Curcuma longa, Allium sativum, Moringa oleifera, Vitis vinifera L, all indigenous plants that have healed millions around the world.
You’ve likely heard the phrase before – just a dozen huge corporations are keeping Americans popping pills while they rake in billions, but have you really thought of what these numbers translate into, in terms of real health?
Annual sales for just one drug, Humira, was $9.3 billion. That puts Abott squarely at the top of the list as one of the most successful drug companies of all time.
One drug. One year. $9.3 billion.
This particular drug is meant to inhibit cancerous tumor growth, but there are dozens of natural remedies for the same purpose. Consider: turmeric, papaya leaf, grape seed extract, ginger, cannabis, and a host of other inexpensive plants can treat cancer. Here are 4 cancer fighting foods. Cost – around $3 per day per item.
Or the ‘what if’ scenarios:
- What if that $9.3 billion were used to clean up the environmental messes from fracking, oil drilling, oil spills, mining, nuclear meltdowns, chemtrails, pesticide and herbicide spraying, chemical dumping, and more, that cause cancer to begin with?
- What if we hired comedians to visit patients with cancer, using the proven technique of laughter therapy to treat many diseases, cancer among them?
Our money and our health is wasted on these companies, but we have to unplug from the drugs. We are overworked, under-nourished, over-fed, and lied to. You don’t need another pill. What really needs to pop is the illusory bubble that Big Pharma is the answer.
Why Glutathione is essential to health and longevity: click here view CELL ENERGY
Should You Raise A Vegan Child?
Arguably the most influential pediatrician of all time, Dr. Spock wrote Baby and Child Care, the secondbest-
selling book in U.S. history, next to the Bible. Active to the point of civil disobedience during the
Vietnam War, he remained true to his motto "Pediatrics is politics" to the end.[21] Before he died at age
source: http://www.just-think-it.com/heartfailure.pdf (page 13)
94, Spock advised in the edition published posthumously that all children be raised vegan - no meat, dairy
or eggs.
Karatbars International is a great way for starting a Gold Savings account whether as a Customer or Affiliate furthermore you can pass along the savings to future generations known as "Generational Wealth" utilized by the Rich & Wealthy and for more, information go to Karatbars International page under the Products button.
Unfortunately, Kevin Trudeau was sentenced to 10 years in a federal prison, our prayers go out to him and his family. May his appeals be successful and sentencing overturned. Nevertheless, the following slide presentation courtesy of Eric Patel. Your Wish Is Your Command (YWIYC) is Kevin Trudeaus's best lecture! the material has been utilized and repackaged by other lecturers or proclaimed gurus. It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to get your hands on all 14 CDs! This is information to include your library. Per the ancestor John D. Rockefeller "Competition is a sin!" The average person doesn't want to compete or don't know they can become genetically programmed and raise his or her vibration, energy or frequency and reside on the same plane as the elite further enjoy the fruits of unimaginable wealth and opulence unknown to "Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous" or remain a S-L-A-V-E you have a choice, raise your vibration, your brain can both transmit and receive information as what you put out in thought it magnetically returns to you, "It Will Come"! The choice is yours master the 5 steps or as Jeff Olson, President & CEO of Nerium International states in the book, The Slight Edge "Master the Mundane"! Read Napoleon Hill's The Law Of Success and Think and Grow Rich, Rich Dad Poor Dad, If You want to Be Rich and Happy, Don't Go To School books and play the Cashflow game by Dr. Robert T. Kiyosaki, Ph.D. True education leads one out of ignorance and into greatness, health and wealth along with leaving a legacy for your family. Create neural pathways of wealth, health and prosperity. Many thanks to Mr. Patel for offering the slide show.
The importance of maintaining a healthy body is essential for WHEALTHTM and Longevity independent of any economic climate. The goal of our staff, writers, featured authors and selected articles is to empower our audience with a "Treasure Chest" of information. "Perfect health is your birthright!"
The Edible Water Bottle
Trending: Edible Water Bottle Could Save The Planet
A topic for discussion
Vitamin D: Liquid Sunshine, essential to Health, Rejuvenation and Longevity
Vitamin D is actually a prohormone, the key to unlocking your DNA 2,000 plus gene, has a positive effect on your mood, mental state, 36 organs, strengthens immune system and cardivascular system, fights cancer, helps those with Alzheimer's, Autism, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Depression, Dementia, Dental Caries, Diabetes and Obesity just to name a few per Executive Director John J Cannell, MD. For more information visit Vitamin D Council website: http://www.vitamindcouncil.org/
Also, Team Effort Network (TEN) has Vitamin Sprays including a formula for Vitamin D3 at 2,000 I.U. (International Units) with no prescription required along wih Vitamin B12,, Super Ten and Slim By TEN. This company has revolutionized the ability to ingest their products in a spray form for individuals on the go or where taking pills and capsules are based on preference.
A.C.W.B., Inc. has now endorsed this company products and are excited about the potential effect. Please go to the products page for more information.
As mentioned by Tom Joiner
Cupuaçu, Glutathione "Mother of ALL Antioxidants" also considered as importan as th Pineal gland, Goji Berries, Aςaí, Aloe Vera Miracle 2000, CKLS as Game Changer supplements
Aloe Vera heals internally and externally, has a synergistic effect and catalyze other supplements.
CKLS - #1 Colon Cleanser on the planet!
Miracle 2000 - contains the Algarrobo bean "Energy food"
New Body Products utilize Aloe Vera in it's core products.
Stay tuned as we provide more information.
Your "WHealth of Health" Corner:
Astaxanthin 4 mg and higher: Twice a day
Seaflower, 5-alpha-reductase, a carotenoid, used for vision acuity, depth perception, weight loss, burns fat, improves reflexes, wrinkle reduction, protects mitochondria, helps muscles recover faster from fatigue and injury, improes prostate and good for low testosterone due to DHT, Research suggests that astaxanthin can help reduce DNA damage and absorb ultraviolet B rays, - See more at: http://www.prostate.net/prostate-health-supplements-a-z/astaxanthin-health-benefits/#sthash.bzrWGQbY.dpuf. This supplement is helps with hormonal issues in women and is 6000x stronger than Vitamin C. This supplement is better than Krill or any fish oil and this product is revered in Asia served at cocktail bars.
Oil Swishing for Health
Oil Swishing is best form of dental hygiene. From our research through electronic, print, television and personal experience this is the most cost effective source even better than tooth whiting and dental floss products. Bruce Fife author of The Miracles of Coconut Oil lists this as best product because of the monosaturated composition, heat capacity, and the anti-microbial properties. Just a tablespoon in the mouth swish for 15 mins or longer at least twice a day. Do not swallow the oil discard it as the oil extract impurities. Our personal experience saved hundreds if not thousands of dollars in dental bills for under $12. Take a picture of your mouth before and after and share your results. A jar of Coconut oil even an Ozonated oil (i.e. Olive, Jojoba, etc.) will work as in chemistry "Like dissolves in like" whereby pathogens, impurities become neutralized, extracted from the mouth, whereby your teeth heal and become brighter.
The NewBody featured Product of the Week:
HIR (Hair) This New Body Herbal Formula was designed for those who take pride in the health of their hair. It rejuvenates the skin under the hair, supplies hair food, stimulates hair growth, fights dandruff and stops split ends and hair breakage.
HIR provides nutritional support for healthy-looking hair. In addition it's good for skin, nails
furthermore silica in horsetail is nature's tumor remover.
Ingredients: Aloe Vera resin, Sage, Chaparral, Capsicum, Kelp, Nettles, Alfalfa, Horsetail.
Investment: $17.11
Stay tuned for the next week's featured product which unleashes energy and super strength
Several Dis-eases that Can Bankrupt your household:
- Autism
- Diabetes
- Obesity
- Heart Dis-ease
- Alzheimer's
- Asthma
- Arthritis
- Inflammation
- Eye Problems
- Hearing Difficulty
- Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
- Hypertension
yet can be treated through powerful affirmations. Organ consciousness improperly programmed (mis-educated) is responsible for the body becoming dis-eased. For example, Alzheimer's is simply due to "Thoughts stuck in the brain which cannot get processed and executed!" which leads to a short circuit in the brain. Through various healing modalites and affrmations, along with proper nutrition supplemenation can resolve the issue.
Affirmations are powerful which can change your brain as demonstrated in Youtube videos from TED seminar presenters.
Contact A.C.W.B., Inc. for a Comprehensive Lifestyle Assessment (CLA) today!
Complete the Questionnaire at the HOME page for details on:
Using Dr. Vincent Weight Loss Formula & Wisdom Water Program.
All content posted on this site is commentary or opinion and is protected under Free Speech. A.C.W.B., Inc is not responsible for content written by contributing authors and assumes no responsibility for the use or misuse of this material. The information on this site is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional advice of any kind. For medical condition consult your medical doctor. Your use of this website indicates your agreement to the above. All trademarks, registered trademarks and servicemarks mentioned on this site are the property of their respective owners.
The First Green Beret - Sergeant First Class Melvin Morris
In addition to learn more about out achievements in the military read:
Black Brass - Henry E. Dabbs
Brothers in Arms - Kareem Abdul Jabbar
Saturday March 22, 2014 both Professor Anthony Browder and Dr. Frances Cress Welsing, M.D. were in Houston, TX. Professor Browder spoke at the Houston Museum of Afro-American History free,underwritten by HEB while Dr. Welsing was at The Shrine of The Black Madonna. Note, both events were well attended and at overflowing capacity. Professor Browder presented on the history of Nile Valley Civilization in Kemet and what Afrikan-Americans must do to preserve and uncover future artifacts along with working or volunteering taking your technical expertise to build Afrika. Professor Browder encouraged his audience to go listen to Dr. Welsing afterwards. Meanwhile, Dr. Frances Cress Welsing discussed "The Cress Theory of Color Confrontation" to a large audience of all ages. The large number of young people attending indicated that since, 1985 her message is still multiple generations strong! Having listened interviewed and attended her lectures The Keys to the Colors and Melanin plus underlying effect of symbolism has misguided youth of today. Her solutions are the blueprint in solving problems of Black youth, and serves as a guide for mental health professionals, sociologists and so forth. Both authors are listed in Wikipedia and on YouTube for your perusal. Their books and recorded lectures are excellent educational resources.
A Tribute to Black (Afrikan) Martial Artists
Grandmaster Vic Moore
U.S. National Champion for several years having defeated every known artist even the legendary Bruce Lee. Based on www.forgottenfury.com and conduct aYouTube search includig Takum5. Many Grandmasters confirm the event took place of having never lost unofficially to the well known action star actors.
Grandmaster Professor Ronald Duncan
The "first American Ninja" after having served in Vietnam went to Japan and spent the next 12 years studying and received Black belt to teach Ninjitsu and NINE time International Champion!
Ronald Duncan went on to serve in the United States Marine Corp where he was a member of the USMC Judo team and earned one of his earliest black belt rankings. Professor Duncan went on to earn a black belt in several other disciplines such as Hakko Ryu Jujitsu, Dai-nippon Jujitsu Ryu, Sosuishi Ryu, Kin Dai Gakko Ryu, Aikido, Aiki-Jujitsu, Kempo, Kobujitsu (weaponry), and Shinobino-jitsu (popularly known as Ninjitsu). His teachers were all legendary men; Charlie Neal, Ernie Cates, Tatsuo Uzaki, and Don Draeger.
Evolving into such a versatile practitioner of the martial arts, Professor Ronald Duncan became the first non-oriental to be publically recognized in "Official Karate" magazine as a master of martial arts weaponry. For many years to come, Professor Duncan would thrill audiences around the world with spectacular demonstrations that would include vast assortments of traditional and non traditional weapons. Ronald Duncan was also the first to be shown catching live arrows with his bare hands on nationally televised programs such as "Thrill Seekers", and "Wide World of Sports".
Mwalimu Dr. Ndugu Khan - Martial Arts Master Shujaa
Student of Dr. Her Yue Wong, Grandmaster Madame Wang Jurong whose father isGrandmaster Wang Ziping.
Grandmaster Mestre Moraes Afro Brasileira - 60 years of teaching Capoeira Angola in Salvador, Bahia, Brasil
A list of Black Comic Super Heroes:
A list of Black Comic Super Heroes per Wikipedia:
Top 30 Black Superheroes per World of Black Super Heroes:
20 Super Heroes to be on film per Vibe:
It would be wonderful to see these characters portrayed on the silver screen even
Luke Cage "Hero For Hire", on Netflix starring Mile Colter
Note, there are fans who want to READ Comics and WATCH Movies about Black
Heroes, Sheroes and Villains from both Marvel and DC Comics!
With the advent of technology comes the automation of processes normally performed by a human become obsolete. As we're becoming accustomed to Self-Service model, now with 3D-printing where the front of a car, oil drill bits, a tooth to even food and we're just on the cusp, once corporations figure out the business savings, many positions and processes will be commoditized. Next, features temp rewrite software which will speed up the presentation of information http://www.rewriteassistant.com such software is free or for an investment through searching the Internet and viewing YouTube channels. Practically, speeches, texts, papers, books could be rewritten with the right software. Companies such as The LA Times and others are utilizing this software into their business process. The days of having a staff of journalists, copy editors is going to become inefficient. This will take plagarism, copyright infringement, Cliff Notes to another level, PDFs, eBooks, as documents go undetected based on rewriting.